Welcome to Start the Week, our Monday scene-setter for the week ahead.
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TV industry finally gets its 3D view - but will it be enough for Foxtel?;
Pedestrian launches a TV channel;
How streaming quotas will work;
Will Eddie McGuire take a bigger 3AW gig?;
Google’s smart speaker switchoff
Today’s episode feature Tim Burrowes and Abe Udy.
Further reading:
Australian Financial Review: Television ratings overhaul took too long, OzTAM boss concedes
Australian Financial Review: Pedestrian.TV, again
Sydney Morning Herald: How Netflix, Amazon may be forced to make more Australian programs
The Australian: Eddie McGuire to fix 3AW’s Dan ban?
The Australian: Commercial Radio and Audio boss says Google was ‘asleep at the wheel’ over radio outage
Time to leave you to start your week
Audio production was courtesy of Abe’s Audio, the people to talk to about voiceovers, sound design and podcast production.
Message us: letters@unmade.media
We’ll be back tomorrow with Tuesdata.
Tim Burrowes
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