Unmade: media and marketing analysis
Unmade: media and marketing analysis
Start the Week: Foxtel loses patience with anti-siphoning; Ads come to Amazon's Prime Video

Start the Week: Foxtel loses patience with anti-siphoning; Ads come to Amazon's Prime Video

Welcome to Start the Week, our Monday scene-setter for the week ahead.

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Is Foxtel kicking uphill?; Amazon video ads come to Australia; News Corp after Rupert

Delany complains Foxtel has been “the most regulated media company in Australia” for nearly three decades

Today’s topics:

  • News Corp prepares for life under a new boss;

  • Foxtel rails against media rules;

  • Amazon Prime Video to turn on ads in Australia

Today’s episode feature Tim Burrowes and Abe Udy.

Further reading:

Time to leave you to start your week.

Editing was courtesy of Abe’s Audio, the people to talk to about voiceovers, sound design and podcast production.

Message us: letters@unmade.media

We’ll be back tomorrow with Tuesdata.


Tim Burrowes


Unmade: media and marketing analysis
Unmade: media and marketing analysis
Media and marketing news with all the in-depth analysis, insight and context you need.
Unmade offers industry news from an Australian perspective, from the founder of Mumbrella and the author of the best-selling book Media Unmade, Tim Burrowes