Welcome to Start the Week, our Monday scene-setter for the week ahead.
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Is Foxtel kicking uphill?; Amazon video ads come to Australia; News Corp after Rupert
Today’s topics:
News Corp prepares for life under a new boss;
Foxtel rails against media rules;
Amazon Prime Video to turn on ads in Australia
Today’s episode feature Tim Burrowes and Abe Udy.
Further reading:
Australian Financial Review: ‘Feeding frenzy’ of laws unfairly hit Foxtel, Delany says
About Amazon: Update on Prime Video
Time to leave you to start your week.
Editing was courtesy of Abe’s Audio, the people to talk to about voiceovers, sound design and podcast production.
Message us: letters@unmade.media
We’ll be back tomorrow with Tuesdata.
Tim Burrowes
Start the Week: Foxtel loses patience with anti-siphoning; Ads come to Amazon's Prime Video