Tuesdata: What the viewing numbers are telling us after a month of Total TV data
Welcome to Tuesdata, our weekly data-led analysis for Unmade’s paying members.
Below, we explore the data from the first month of the rebooted TV ratings system VOZ, and what the Total TV numbers tell us about viewership patterns. There’s also an update on the Unmade Index, including The Market Herald’s recovery from last week’s mysterious price plunge.
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How Farmer Wants A Wife and Alone won the first month of Total TV’s BVOD battle
Seja Al Zaidi writes:
The Australian TV industry’s long-awaited Total TV data - taking in both broadcast and streaming viewing numbers - finally launched at the start of May.
For the first time, the industry gets a next day snapshot of viewing behaviour on all platforms, followed by a further combined update seven days on.
The launch could not come soon enough, with traditional viewing numbers in rapid decline, exacerbated since the end of lockdowns. But is BVOD - broadcast viewing on demand - making up the shortfall as well as the networks claim?
Unmade has been exploring the numbers available so far to highlight the winners under the new system which is delivered by OzTam’s VOZ (Virtual Australia) audience system.
We’ll start with Total TV viewing - taking in metro and regional broadcast viewing combined with BVOD after seven days.